
T 450 390-1111


Legal Formalities

When a death occurs, people are often unaware of how to proceed during this difficult time. From one day to the next, they are overwhelmed by tasks to accomplish without knowing where to begin.

In order to support you during this difficult procedure, we simplify the process.

With the assistance of your funeral director, you will fill out the Declaration of Death that he or she will then submit to the Directeur de l'état civil along with the Attestation of Death issued by the physician. You can also fill out the  Application for the simplified forwarding of information relative to the death, that allows you to advise several different ministères and organizations of the death by means of the Directeur de l'état civil. This avoids having to file a separate declaration at individual government organizations. It is a process that is unique to a death happening within the province of Québec.

The Directeur de l'état civil will, as a result, be able to transmit the information concerning the death to the following organizations:

  • Commission administrative des régimes de retraite et d'asurances (CARRA) ;
  • Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) ;
  • Contrôleur des armes à feu du Québec (CAFQ) ;
  • Curateur public du Québec (CPQ) ;
  • Ministère de la santé et des Services sociaux - Direction des affaires autochtones (DAA) ;
  • Ministère de l'emploi et de la Solidarité sociale ;
  • Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) ;
  • Régie des rentes du Québec (RRQ) ;
  • Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) ;
  • Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) ;
  • Affaires autochtones et Développement du Nord Canada (AADNC) ;
  • Agence du revenu du Canada ;
  • Service Canada ;
  • Régime Québecois d'assurance parentale (RQAP).

For more information concerning the declaration of death, visit

We invite you to consult the guide What to do in the event of a death  as well as the following websites in order to find more detailed information. Please keep in mind that we are available to guide you at any time.

Leaves and absences (Death - Suicide) - Commission des normes du travail:


Recherche de testament (Will search) - Chambre des notaires du Québec:


Rôle du liquidateur de la succession (Responsibilities of the liquidator of the estate) - Registre des droits personnels:


Inventory and distribution of property - Revenu Québec:


Income tax returns of a deceased person - Revenu Québec and Revenu Canada:


Application for survivors' benefits - Régie des rentes du Québec:


Insurance - OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance OLHI:
